The people who think Im awesome.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cold weather...

Fall is great, cause its usually not too cold not too hot. perfect.

heres a little back ground. I was born in West Virginia, and the seasons there blend into each other, gradually. But now i live in Illinois.. and its like... one day you are enjoying the nice fall weather, and suddenly the first day of winter and BAM 4 feet of snow over night.....and im left with  "what the fuck just happened" 

Its pretty much the same every winter. it starts out like this 

Smug little bastard snow flakes. think they are so superior.  Im the kind of person thats always cold and i have to dress up in every single last piece of winter clothing i have just to check the mail. Than it starts... i start getting pissed at winter, its like every last snow flake is mocking me....

That can only go on for so long before i snap....Soon i start to ponder their demise. I think "Maybe i can melt them all with a hair dryer" but no thats a little too dangerous. So finally... it happens... i snap.. i ripe off my protective head gear and neck armor... and i start EATING THOSE BASTARDS!!! yes thats right i EAT my enemys! they say if you consume your enemys you will gain their powers.....

as it turns out... this isnt the case with snow... all i ever get is a horrible cold. And im the kind of person that thinks when im sick, theres an 80% chance im gonna die. no matter what it is. so my boyfriend gets to see this a lot.

and i HATE HATE HATE taking medicine....any medicine. i jsut dont like taking it. But when i was young my mom used to make me take robitussin a cough syrup that is horrible. But even worse...she used to make me take...Nyquil....this is with out a doubt the most horrible substance known to man. it tastes like liquid death and smells even worse....but when im sick... i usually succumb  to its beautiful sirens song.

Niquil scares me cause it usually makes me so damn sleepy i dont remember what ive done, and i wake up  in a drowsy stupor. Like recently i took some nyquil gel caps and the next morning, i found out that i went to my basement, hung up my laundry and came back up the stairs and went to bed. Now... i dont remember doing this and my boyfriend said "Im really surprised you made it back up the stairs...." every time i take it shit like this happens.....

I swear one of these days im gonna drown in the toilet....

Fuck you winter...and double fuck you Nyquil.... i hate you.

(p.s. you liking the new photoshop drawings? thought id treat your eyes to my orgasmicly awesome drawings now in )

Monday, November 8, 2010

Some Do's and Dont's

Ok people, listen up. heres some dos and dont's when in public. Now i'm no proper lady or anything. But i know how to act in public......sometimes... when i'm not highly caffeinated or on a high dosage of cough syrup.

First off. You "young" people. Please.. its ok to be polite to old people. (well at least the ones who aren't bitchy to you first). They have lived long enough for you to maybe help them get something off a high grocery shelf if you can. Trust me I wont think its uncool.
So yes DO: Hold open doors for old ladys.

But... theres a limit to how nice you have to be......
yea...also...Date Rape drugs are a big no-no. They might act adversely to her old lady meds.


Lets say you have a friend or a friend of a friend has just had a baby, or has a child you are just meeting, and either they are sick, god awful ugly, or have a huge load in their pants. And it never fails... they will want you to hold their child. And lets face it, I know a lot of you out there would rather chew on a Halloween apple filled with razer blades. (me too) But we have to remember that this is their child, and are possibly the most loved and important things in this persons lives. SO be nice about it.
so please DO: Hold their child and grin and bear it. Or politely decline claiming your sick and don't wanna get the drool bag sick as well.

On the other hand....
please DON'T: throw this baby away... its bad for the environment and the stray cats.

Have you ever been to the make up counter in the mall and the lady behind the counter looks like a leather sofa with sparkly blue eye shadow on?  and SHES giving YOU make up tips? I dont know about you, but it makes me feel like something needs to be done here. But you cant really just be like "Really lady?"

So please DO: Listen to what the talking leather sofa has to say and nod like you are listing and not actually thinking about how good those pretzels as Auntie Annes smell.

but... resist doing this please.
Its not nice....hehehe...not nice....

So all you guys out there. Ever go to the gym and there is that really over friendly guy always there? who ALWAYS wants to talk to you, and insists on being shirtless. He most likely says "guy" and "bro" too much for instance "hey there guy! what did you do last night bro? I just say around playing Halo until my fingers bled"  Also these guys tend to stand too close to you when they are talking. so close in fact you can HEAR their sweat stink. But its ok. because this advise is actually for the guys that are guilty of this. So guys if you are this guy, please stand back a few steps, and keep your voice to an inside voice.


Bad... very bad....
Also. try to hold back on wearing those breezy shorts. and if you MUST dont wear boxers. Other people can see your boys.

On another note. Just another thing i observe....


I dont care how skinny and hot you are. jsut NO i dont know who the hell started this trend, but im tired of seeing your ass. That especially goes for the bigger girls too. Im sorry but its gross and a little whorish. leave a little to the imagination for gods sake! And who ever DID start this... if i find you... i will send a team of hamsters that have been specially trained to come to your house and cut you.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Ok so i know i said i would be updating a lot.. i lied. ive been sick.. and cold... but ive been snuggling with a soft blanket with ghosts on it so its cool. It was basically like this every time i thought about updating :

<-- that would be my tablet pen

than this would happen:

Its been getting cold here. And i hate cold, so i've been buying those little "throw blankets" like crazy, you know, the ones that are JUST big enough to piss you off.... seriously, we've bought like 4 in the last two weeks. And a humidifier that is so loud you'd think we were running and industrial sized fan that spits on you.

Another ordeal ive been dealing with is nose bleeds. I start getting them when it starts getting cold. ive woken up the past two days with nose bleeds which is always slightly horrifying for me. because im always afraid itll start while im asleep and ill bleed to death. 

heres how that usually goes....

When i have one during the day, its not as dramatic, but i still act like i might die cause it usually bleeds like  mother effer.

that goes like this:

but when i wake up and have a nose bleed, my arms and face are usually covered in blood and the first thought i usually have is  "oh god ive been stabbed"  than i realize its just my nose, and i panic like this:

so yea. Also ive started a rather large project that may take up a lot of my time for a while, so ill post when i can until that is done. But ill try to upload some doodles when i can.... Like this one of me riding a giraffe.

On that note... im leaving.